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Yo-Yo Talk part2

are you yoyofactory?



…yes!!!!((((; ゚ Д゚)))))))b



Hi, This is kubo-kei!

I'll introduce my-favorite-yoyo-players again!!

I'll introduce today...  Shinji Saito and Yuuki Spencer!! They are yoyofactory's contest members.

So is John Ando.

Yoyofactory is a manufacture that my favotite. There are so many apperaling players and yo-yos!

First,videos from Shinji Saito!

So cool!! He is a greatest 2A player in the world. He won 8times at World Yoyo Contest.

I have same yoyo which he use but, I can't use them like him...


The next is...Yuuki Spencer.

He is one of the most popular 1A player.He won 3times at USA National and twice World Yoyo Contest.

He play yoyos so quickly and intricately.

So,I wrote this in English. I'll sometimes wriite in English for practice to write in English!

See you again!!

posted by:kubo-kei


コメント: 2
  • #1

    げる (土曜日, 03 3月 2012 03:37)


  • #2

    げる (土曜日, 03 3月 2012 03:45)

    So の用法がなんだかよくわかんなーい。